Release of my inner thoughts

You!! Out of the Gene Pool Now!!

April 19 2009, 12:00 AM

When you work with the general public you begin to wonder who is the life guard for the gene pool..?

people are getting dumber, maybe its all the RSBT in milk.. who knows.

here is my reasons:

When you are the mail man and you walk to someones door, ring the bell...  your heart pounds because you wonder what idiot is going to answer the door today.

Im standing there holding a priority box in my hand and this lady answers and says "can I help you?" and stands there like i dont have a package to drop off.  then you have to actually speak thw words.. "I have a package for you" and then they act suprised.. like wow I got a package.. but prior to the VERBAL annoucement they have this look and questioning in their voice of who are you and why the hell are you here?

it shocks me everytime.

I am sure anyone who works in general retail can say hi-five to samantha.


Posted in Inside a mail mans head


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  • Female
  • 26 years old


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Last update Nov 11, 2009

