The Revolving door.... (go back »)

July 27 2009, 2:08 AM

whoever said nothing is impossible, never tried slamming a revolving door. i really dont really have to many problems in life.  things seem to be ok. except my marriage. i hate telling but i do need plently of vent space at the moment.  yet again.  i seem to find my self here everyday i write something then delete it and occaionally i actully post something.  not that i expect anyone to read this.. paper journals seem so outdated

anyway.  my dad and my sister say my husband is going through his midlife crisis and taking it out on me.  it has come to the point where on monday i am picking up my divorce paper work and starting it. 

i cant take it anymore.

i am not as strong as i thought

i am week and cant take it

i keep putting my self in these cycles

im tired of it.

for i have decided i am not good enough for anyman except my daddy.

and here i go again on another sleepless night.

i have to work tomarrow.

yay me.

life sucks.

i wonder why i was stuck with the marriage problem with all the problems in the world

In I am not what i want to be but what i ought to be


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  • Female
  • 26 years old


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